Investigative audits and internal investigations


Internal investigations are conducted by a company as a result of suspicions or reports received of violations of laws, internal regulations or ethics, including those based on conflicts of interest. Such a report can come from a whistleblower who is an employee of the organization, but also from a contractor or competitor of the company. Conducting an internal investigation or investigative audit is aimed at establishing the circumstances of the case and detecting economic fraud or losses resulting from the failure to fulfill employee obligations. These are actions that the company’s management undertakes on its own initiative, without the involvement of state authorities, with a view to safeguarding the interests of the organization in order to properly manage the incident and implement corrective measures, as well as to minimize the risk of similar abuses in the future.

For example, internal investigations are conducted by companies on suspicion of such violations as corruption, mismanagement and diversion of assets, unfair competition, tender irregularities, regulatory irregularities, corporate disputes, conflicts of interest, violations of labor rights or accounting fraud, among others.

It is essential that such an investigation be conducted by qualified individuals. The proper conduct of an investigative audit can be crucial at a later stage, especially when the results of the investigation may, for example, be the basis for a company to file a notice with law enforcement agencies. This is especially true for such crimes as corruption or accounting fraud.

The result of a thorough investigation should be a report containing recommendations for further actions to be taken by the company following irregularities. As a law firm, we conduct comprehensive internal investigations and thorough investigative audits. By eliminating fraud and inefficient operations, we help business entities save or recover funds lost as a result of such actions. We work with reputable companies that provide computer forensics services, including digital data acquisition and analysis.

We offer our clients comprehensive services including:

  • conducting investigative and internal audits that guarantee impartiality and confidentiality;
  • fraud risk analysis to define risk areas and implement preventive solutions and procedures;
  • verification of contractors (KYC);
  • support in optimizing processes (e.g. purchasing) and identifying their inefficiencies;
  • computer forensics, including acquisition and preservation of digital data (along with restoration of data from hard drives);
  • investigative data analysis using computer forensics techniques and tools, including analytical platforms or artificial intelligence (AI);
  • support in the collection of evidence;
  • assessing the business for proper conduct in accordance with the Accounting Law, the Commercial Companies Code, tax laws, AML;
  • conducting training on the aforementioned topics.

Our services are directed to:

  • commercial law companies;
  • entrepreneurs with a complex organizational structure;
  • entities exposed to economic crimes;
  • individuals and organizations that are of interest to law enforcement agencies;
  • members of management and supervisory boards and executives.

How can
we help you?

the experts

Maciej Zaborowski

Advocate, Managing Partner

Paweł Gołębiewski

Attorney-at-law, Head of International Criminal Law Practice