欧洲逮捕令 | European Arrest Warrant CN







  • 详细讨论欧洲逮捕令的制度、其适用性、应用范围及对被起诉人的影响;
  • 协助确定发布ENA的背景情况;
  • 分析被起诉人的法律及事实状况,包括制定行动策略和提出进一步行动的建议;
  • 协助起草撤销ENA的申请;
  • 积极参与有关ENA发布或撤销的听证会,以及与ENA执行相关的听证会;
  • 与外国律师全面合作,特别是在确立与ENA发布和执行相关的情况及法律规范的必要范围内;
  • 协助起草针对将被起诉人从波兰移交的决定的申诉。


  • 针对已发布ENA的波兰公民;
  • 居住在波兰境内的外国人;
  • 受ENA起诉人的家属;
  • 员工因欧洲逮捕令受到起诉的公司。


European Arrest Warrant is a request issued by a judicial authority of a European Union member state for the arrest and transfer by another EU member state of a person specified in the EAW. It is prepared in connection with the suspicion that a person has committed a crime, or in connection with the need for the person to execute a sentence or a security measure. On the basis of this request, as a rule, the authorities of the requested state become obliged to arrest and transfer the EAW person to the requesting country.

In Poland, the judicial authority competent to request an EAW is the district court. However, in order for this court to apply the EAW, two prerequisites must be met – there must be a suspicion that the person prosecuted for an offense under the jurisdiction of Polish courts is in the territory of another EU member state, and the interests of justice speak in favor of issuing the EAW. If the EAW is to concern a person who is being prosecuted in connection with pending criminal proceedings, the crime to which the proceedings relate must be punishable by imprisonment of at least one year.

The transfer of a person specified in the European Arrest Warrant from Poland to another EU member state may take place only for the purpose of carrying out criminal proceedings against that person, on the territory of the requesting state, or for the execution of a sentence of imprisonment or other measure involving deprivation of liberty imposed on that person.

Under certain conditions, a person may not be transferred under the EAW. Polish regulations indicate situations in which there is an absolute prohibition on the surrender of such a person, such as when there is a final judgment against the prosecuted person in another state for the same acts, the person to whom the EAW applies is not criminally responsible under Polish law due to his or her age, or when the surrender would violate human and civil liberties and rights. In some situations, refusal of execution will depend on the court’s assessment and discretion, such as when there are criminal proceedings pending in Poland against a person prosecuted under the EAW for the offense that forms the basis of the EAW, or when a sentence of imprisonment may be imposed in the EAW issuing state for the offense to which the EAW relates without the possibility of seeking a reduction.

As part of the EAW, our law firm offers:

  • detailed discussion of the institution of the European Arrest Warrant, its admissibility, the scope of its application and the resulting consequences for the prosecuted person;
  • assistance in establishing the circumstances underlying the issuance of the EAW;
  • analysis of the legal and factual situation of the prosecuted person, including, among other things, the preparation of a strategy of action and recommendations for further conduct of the prosecuted person;
  • assistance in drafting an application for revocation of the EAW;
  • active participation in hearings on the possible issuance or revocation of the EAW and in hearings related to its execution;
  • full cooperation with foreign lawyers, especially to the extent necessary to establish the circumstances and legal norms related to the issuance and execution of the EAW;
  • assistance in drafting a complaint against the decision to transfer a person prosecuted from Poland.

Our offer is addressed to:

  • Polish citizens against whom an EAW has been issued;
  • foreigners residing on the territory of Poland;
  • families of persons prosecuted under the EAW;
  • companies whose employees are prosecuted under the European Arrest Warrant.
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European Arrest Warrant

The European arrest warrant (“EAW”) is a simplified cross-border judicial procedure for the purpose of prosecution or executing a custodial sentence or detention order.

The aim of the EAW is to ensure that open borders and free movement in the Union are not exploited by those seeking to evade justice. It is the most successful instrument of judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the Union.

An EAW issued by one EU country’s judicial authority is valid in the entire territory of the EU. The mechanism is based on the principle of mutual recognition.

EU countries can no longer refuse to surrender their own nationals, unless the executing state undertakes to execute the sentence or detention order in accordance with its domestic law.

Decisions on EAW are made by judicial authorities alone, without political considerations. The authorities (executive) may not interfere in the decision of the judicial authority.

Proportionality and other rules of extradition process

The Framework Decision on EAW has been in force since 1 January 2004 in all Member States.

An EAW should always be proportional to its aim.

Considering the severe consequences that the execution of an EAW has on the requested person’s liberty and the restrictions of free movement, the issuing judicial authorities should consider all relevant factors to determine whether issuing an EAW is justified.

Ground for refusal

The executing judicial authority can refuse to execute the EAW only if certain criteria are met. They are cathegorised as mandatory and optional ground for refusal applies.

Mandatory grounds:

  • the offense is covered by amnesty (the executing country could have prosecuted and the offence is covered by an amnesty in that country)
  • the person has already been judged for the same offence (ne bis in idem)
  • the person is a minor (the person has not reached the age of criminal responsibility in the executing country).

Optional grounds refer to Member States- such as:

  • lack of double criminality for offences other than the 32 listed in the Framework Decision on EAW
  • there is a pending criminal procedure in the executing country for the same acts
  • statute of limitations applies
  • the person has been judged in absentia, without respect of certain conditions.

Ensure Skilled Legal Representation in European Arrest Warrant Cases

The execution of a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) involves intricate legal processes and significant implications for the individual concerned. Whether you are facing an EAW, require assistance in challenging its validity, or need guidance on your rights and options, having experienced legal professionals is essential to navigating this complex procedure effectively.

Our law firm offers comprehensive legal support, from detailed case analysis and strategic planning to representation in hearings and cooperation with foreign legal experts. We are committed to protecting your rights, ensuring due process, and providing you with the best possible defense.

Don’t face the challenges of an EAW alone. Contact us today for expert legal assistance tailored to your unique situation and take control of your case with confidence.



Maciej Zaborowski


Paweł Gołębiewski
